Sunday, April 19, 2015

Creepy Hollow trilogy by Rachel Morgan

The Creepy Hollow trilogy:

The Faerie Guardian
The Faerie Prince
The Fearie war

I'm going to do a review + description and also a surprise :)

Description :
The story is about Violet, no she's not an ordinary girl,  I mean she's a Fae. (For those who don't know it, a Fae is the same like a fairy but without wings) Faerie guardians protect humans and other Fae against Evil Fae and things like Phouka's, Trolls and Urisks . But Vi (violet) is that kick-but character who doesn't care about a lot of people (after her parents died) soo, she's not that Oh-I'm-such-a-Slut-character-and-love-other-people nope nope nope! Okay, there's gonna be a moment she's in a love triangle. On one of her assignments, when she needs to protect a human (oh dear) called Nate, The boy sees her, but humans can't see Faeries. There goes rule number one... When she opens a portal to go to the Faerie world (Creepy Hollow) he follows her! Well say goodbye to rule number 2. She might be a kick butt character but she wants to be the best guardian of her year, so breaking rules is not that good. But then it seems that the 'human' boy not 100% human is. And then Start the adventure... In book 2&3 happens a lot of mysteries and wars and stuff, it's really good so, read it please so I can fangirl about it with you.

I really liked te book, no I'm lying I loved it. I found the book when I was at Amazon and I saw it on my homepage, when I saw the first book was free on kindle I started reading it. When I was at page 140 I bought the 3 books in paperback so I could read it directly when I finished the first book. There where parts when I was melting, dying, crying and flying from happiness. When I was about to start The Faerie war (book 3) I didn't want to read it, just because the big (And I mean FREAKING big) plottwist at the end of The Faerie Prince. At the end I was crying really hard and couldn't stand to read further, I was really scared that there wasn't going to be a happy ending. It took me 3 days to pick up the 3th book and I had the encourage to read it, and I'm happy I did it, I was happy about the ending (sort of) and if you don't want to read the 3th book here's a tip, just pick it up and read 20 pages just to know it's getting better with Vi (if you read it you're gonna know why). The whole serie
was fantastic !!

I give those books 5 hearts !!
Song I was listening to while reading: Hanging on -Ellie Goulding and Bittersweet -Ellie Goulding

Little surprise!!

Now I can tell here there's gonna be a sequel called 'The Faerie's Secret'!! Yayy!! This time not about Ryn or Vi but about Ryn' little sister (aww yiss) the cover reveal is tomorrow so be sure to watch out ;) and more I can't tell you guys !

The paperback covers (Love it)

And this are the Ebook covers (awesome)

There where also other Ebook covers before those above, but anyone could use the covers so she made a few by herself (above) I'm sure you can find them on google :) 

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